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Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Urban Indigenous adults are now able to book their 2nd dose of their vaccines under the 21 day dose interval (previously 16 week interval). Please see attached for a summary of the new messaging around the 21 day dose interval for urban Indigenous adults for Dose 2 of COVID-19 vaccines.

The first clinic with available appointments is this Saturday May 15 in Barrie at 29 Sperling Drive.

NOTE: You must select the clinic date at the top AND ensure you’ve selected the same date on the calendar to see all the available times. Otherwise, you may see no appointment times.

If you have had more than 21 days since your first dose because you were originally waiting for the 16 week appointment, you can book a new appointment for a soon as possible and then cancel their old one. As long as it’s been a minimum of 21 days between doses, you are able to get your second dose if you are 16 years of age or older, identify as Indigenous or are a non-Indigenous adult living in the same household as an Indigenous adult who received the vaccine. Just like the first dose appointments, ID will be requested at the second dose appointments.

Providing opportunities for holistic healing and learning based on the principals of Indigenous culture, to individuals and families in a safe environment in order to foster healthy, balanced communities and nations.

When and where are the clinics taking place?

May 15 10am-6pm

29 Sperling Dr, Barrie

This clinic is being offered by RVH. Appointments are open to Indigenous adults as well as open to other eligible adults in other eligibility groups.

May 18 10am-5pm

Holly Recreation Centre, 171 Mapleton Ave Barrie

This clinic is an Indigenous community clinic originally for Dose 1 only. Appointment slots are now open for Dose 2 for eligible Indigenous adults and non-Indigenous household members.

June 15 10am-5pm

Holly Recreation Centre, 171 Mapleton Ave Barrie

This clinic is mass immunization clinic offered by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit. Appointments are open to Indigenous adults as well as open to other eligible adults in other eligibility groups.

May 25 10am-5pm

Rotary Place, 100 University Ave Orillia

New Indigenous community clinic.

May 21 10am-5pm

North Simcoe Rec Centre, 526 Len Self Blvd, Midland

New Indigenous community clinic.

May 28 10am-5pm

North Simcoe Rec Centre, 526 Len Self Blvd, Midland

New Indigenous community clinic.

The following clinics are mass immunization clinics with added capacity for Indigenous Dose 2 appointment booking.

Muskoka: May 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

South Georgian Bay: May 24, 25, 27, 29, 30

South Simcoe: May 22, 23, 27, 29

How can I book into the clinics?

Booking links will be distributed to everyone who has had a first dose by email. As soon as the links are available, they will also be posted to the website and distribute to the Indigenous service organizations.

Individuals who need extra support with booking can call a vaccine coordinator:

705-818-0575 (9am to 5pm Mon - Fri)

705-790-9863 (11am to 6pm Wed - Fri)

705- 790-9986 (11am to 6pm Tue – Sat)

If your organization has capacity, it would be great if you could use your phones and the booking links to book members directly into their appointments.

What do I need to bring for the clinics?

Just like the Dose 1 clinics, we will be asking for ID confirming Indigenous ancestry at the Dose 2 clinics. Asking for ID will help ensure that vaccines are available to Indigenous adults and their non-Indigenous household members.

People can use the same ID they used at their Dose 1 clinic. If they used a letter at their Dose 1 appointment, they can use the same letter if they still have it. If they no longer have the letter, please support them by writing a replacement letter using the same template.

What if I got my first vaccine under a different eligibility criteria but I identify as Indigenous?

Example: Someone got their first dose because they qualified under the “healthcare providers” and were instructed to return at 16 weeks for Dose 2. The person also identifies as Indigenous and is now eligible to get Dose 2 at 21 days.

You can still get your 2nd dose if you identify as Indigenous or are a non-Indigenous adult living in a house with an Indigenous adult who received the vaccine. You will need to bring ID or attend with the Indigenous adult in your household for Dose 2 appointment.

What if it’s been more than 21 days since my Dose 1 appointment?

Sign up for your Dose 2 appointment as soon as you can. You will still be able to get your 2nd dose even if it’s been more than 21 days.

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